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Wendling Estate, Camden

The Wendling Estate is a public housing estate located in Camden. 

Currently the local council are looking to find a solution to the ongoing problems that occur with the upkeep of the estate. The options that can be considered are continual refurbishment, partial redevelopment or full redevelopment.


MadeGrads were responsible for creating a model that would be a suitable outlet for the residents to model changes that they want or would consider in order for any redevelopment and new builds to proceed. 


The model consisted of colour coded blocks (flats) that signinfied the number of bedrooms. Red - 4  Green - 3  Blue - 2  Orange - 1.


Due to the way Wendling has been built and organised it seems that there is a lot of unused, dead space. With some reorganising of the housing a lot more space was found that can be utilised to accommodate for brand new replacement as well as additional housing. 


The aim if the exercise was to get the residents have their say in how they want the redevelopment to happen if they wanted any redevlopment at all. The excercise was reasonably successful considering the level of negativity toward the project itself.


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